Uploads to Rancher
Rancher manages clusters through its control plane. Managed clusters send data to Rancher's central management servers. Data send to rancher include:
Cluster Metadata: Information about the cluster, such as the number of nodes, node types, resource allocation, and version information.
Health and Monitoring Data: Metrics on the performance and health of the cluster, including CPU usage, memory usage, network statistics, etc.
Audit Logs and Events: System logs and events that may be used for debugging or auditing.
Configuration and Settings: Updates to cluster configuration and settings, including changes made through Rancher's UI or APIs.
Security and Compliance Data: Information related to security policies, compliance checks, vulnerability scans, etc.
kubectl commands output: Rancher allows to run
management tool in the context of the managed cluster. Output of these commands is syphoned through the Rancher management servers.
None of those categories are critical for operation and access to rancher can be disabled after deployment.
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