Getvisibility Reports
File Report
This report gives a top level overview of Getvisibility’s out-of-the-box classification capabilities including: categorisation, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Personal Identifiable Information (PII) detection. It uses chart, graphs, and tables to present this information.
Trustee Report
This report summarises the four most important findings in the customer’s Active Directory (AD): users in the the most groups, users with outdated passwords, enabled inactive users, and domain administrators. Details of these users are presented in tables. It is used to give the customer an overview of their AD from a security perspective.
File Analysis (GDPR) Report
For customers interested in their regulatory position in relation to GDPR or other Personal Identifiable Information (PII) laws. This report describes, through graphs and tabular data the extent of this information present on the scanned resource.
Data Risk Report
This report is produced as part of a Data Risk Assessment with the customer; where data from Getvisibility’s multiple scans is combined with information gathered about the organisation. This assorted information is used to calculate the risk posed by unstructured data, user access, and other organisation specific factors, to an organisation’s finances, reputation, and regulatory compliance. The report uses data risk scores to allow comparison between the various risk metrics and to aid in the allocation of remediation resources. The information is visualised in charts, diagrams, and tables.
Agent Activity Report
For users of Getvisibility Synergy that want an overview of the users' events using GVClient agents in MS Office and Outlook. Extensive tables detailing classification and email events are provided.
Agent Incident Report
For users of Getvisibility Synergy, this report gives an overview of the security related activity undertaken by users of GVClient agents. It visualises data such as: de-escalations, mis-classifications, and confidential data in infographic form to give organisation’s a quick understanding of the data their users are passing through their network.
CSV and JSONL Exports
File and user data can be exported from the dashboard. The exports can be generated from all rows in the applicable database being search or just the filtered results. Users have the option of choosing CSV or JSONL as their export type.
Automated Reports
Users have requested automating the generation of reports as well as the ability to send reports at regular intervals to selected users. There is an Epic for this in our backlog and development is due to begin in Q3 2023.
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Classified as Getvisibility - Partner/Customer Confidential