How to trace cluster name from registration link
Quick way to trace back deployed and imported clusters:
We can use registration url, extract internal cluster identifier from it and compose link to cluster's dashboard where we can find cluster name.
Extract url from registration command:
kubectl apply -f
Locate internal cluster name in url:
^machine readable internal clusterName
extracted internal cluster identifier:
clusterName = c-m-nb9rw4dr
Once we have internal cluster name we can use it to directly open dash board of given cluster which will display cluster name
cluster dashboard url:
resulting url:
When we access this url in browser we can see cluster’s dashboard:
Clusters which are in pending status and weren't imported yet:
In case cluster never connected to rancher, above method won't work because dashboard isn't available yet. To trace back this we need to download configuration of all existing clusters and find cluster_name in those.
Got to ≡ → Cluster management
Select all clusters by ticking checkbox in column "State"
Click "Download YAML"
Decompress downloaded file and search for our cluster_name using grep:
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