Troubleshooting cheatsheet
Check | Action |
Always try precheck first | curl -sfL | PRODUCT_NAME=enterprise ONLY_PRECHECK=true bash - Make sure a valid label is used: |
What Linux version | cat /etc/os-release |
Storage details
Make sure no noexec flag on /var Always disable swap! | df -h
df -h /var
df /var/lib/rancher -h |
Check memory Check CPUs | |
Ubuntu, disable:
RHEL/CentOS/Suse, disable:
Restart k3s | |
Check name resolution Make sure no more than 2 nameservers used - coredns has issues with it verify ssl bypass | verify entries with nslookup or dig, example: |
Proxy settings
Check if proxy added in
| Should contain: If doesn’t, add and: |
Check if proxy added in Rancher | |
Dashboard proxy - this is for connectors. Some connectors require SSL bypass on proxy. | |
Uninstall k3s | |
Get cluster name | |
Check product | |
Grab logs | |
Get logs from failing pod (here: connector) | |
Check if user has proper rights if SMB fails In second terminal window If smbclient not available | |
Watch deployments |
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