Focus Admin Guide
A screen-by-screen guide to the platform
Dashboard > Scan Progress
All files found during all scans carried out
All files successfully classified by AI/ML
All files containing Personal Identifiable Information
Set to refresh the results automatically
Dashboard > Classification Tags
Details of the classification taxonomy used to categorise and classify files. The Sensitive grouping (1) identifies files that the organisation deems to have a critical impact on their operations. The Non-Sensitive grouping (2) identifies files that do not fit into the above group but should be classified and categorised nonetheless.
Dashboard > Company Overview
An overall look at the file and access landscape of the organisation/company.
All files found during all scans carried out
All files successfully classified by AI/ML
All files containing Personal Identifiable Information
The number of Active Directory groups found
The number of Active Directory users found
The number of users who have logged-in in the last 90 days
The number of users who have not logged-in in the last 90 days
The number of users whose access has been paused/suspended
Dashboard > Results
Search for files or folders using their path
Select/filter by the source of the files, e.g. SMB, Sharepoint, etc…
Filter by Categorisation of files. Linked to their functionality, e.g. HR, Finance, etc…
Filter by file extension, e.g. docx, jpg, pdf, etc…
Filter by sensitivity. These are files that have been deemed to contain critical organisational information
Filter by Subcategorisation of files. This identifies their usage, e.g. contract, code, sales agreement, etc…
Filter by PII. Files that contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
Filter by Classification tags. These are security tags put on files, e.g. Internal, Confidential, etc…
Filter by Risk level. Associates critical data with user access. Low, medium, and high based on the share of users that have access to that file. Higher level more users have access.
10. Filter on files that were successfully classified or not. Folder are included her as non-classified.
11. Export data from the current filters to a CSV
12. Filter on files created on or after this date
13. Filter on files created on or before this date
14. Filter on files modified on or after this date
15. Filter on files modified on or before this date
16. Select Keywords/Patterns/RegEx. Multiple can be selected and their counts will be visible
17. Clear all previously set filters
18. The file results based on the filters used
19. Navigate to next set of 10 displayed files using the filters
Dashboard > Permission Management
To investigate files and users/groups based on access or permissions.
Enter know user or group name
Enter known file or folder name
Export results of search to CSV
Dashboard > Reports
Generate preconfigured PDF reports. Select the icons to download the report.
Detailed report on the classification and categorisation of files scanned
Details of Active Directory users from a security perspective
Tailored to help in regulatory analysis, this report details files that fall under regulatory regimes such as GDPR
Detailing the areas where data risk is most severe. Risk scoring helps allocate remediation resources
Scan Control > Discover
Configured LDAP scan name
Kick of the scan of users and groups
View connection details
Scan Control > Scan
Configured SMB scan name
Kick off the file scan
View SMB connection details
Administration > Connections > CIFS/LDAP
Configure various file and user scans.
Tab to setup CIFS file based connections and LDAP user based connections
Tab to setup Sharepoint Online and On-Prem connections
The name used to identify the connections
The name of the server/machine to be scanned
The IP address of the server/machine to be scanned
The port used to access the server
The path of the root directory to begin scanning from
The username that grants access to these files
The protocol used to view the files
10. The domain in which the files are located
11. If the files are a local share, this is the path used to begin scanning
12. Opens the CIFS connection wizard to setup a new connections
13. The name used to identify the configured LDAP scanning
14. The host where the Active Directory (AD) is located
15. The port used to access the AD
16. The username that grants access to all AD data
17. The LDAP base to begin the scan
18. The alias, if applicable of the Everyone/World grouping
19. Inactivity period of users. Used to identify users who have not logged-in in that time
20. Open the LDAP connection wizard to setup a new scanning
Administration > Connections > Sharepoint
Name used to identify the configured Sharepoint connection
The Domain address of the Sharepoint server
The user that grants access to the files to be scanned
The URL to the files
The path at which the scan will begin
The type of entities to be scanned (files/users)
Open Sharepoint Online Connection wizard
Name used to identify the configured Sharepoint connection
The Domain address of the Sharepoint server
10. The user that grants access to the files to be scanned
11. The URL to the files
12. The path at which the scan will begin
13. The type of entities to be scanned (files/users)
14. Open Sharepoint On-Prem Connection wizard
Administration > Screens > Results screen
Edit the way results are filtered and presented on the Dashboard > Results screen.
The filter setting used search files
Reset any previous configuration to the default below
List of filters that will be seen on the Results screen
List of filters that will no be seen on the Results screen
The file attributes that will be visible on the Results screen
Reset any previous configuration to the default below
The file attribute and other fields visible on the Results screen files table
Administration > Pattern Matching
Search: Enter text here to filter patterns based in name
Classification: Filter by classification tags associated with patterns
Compliance: Filter by compliance tags associated with patterns
Distribution: Filter by distribution tags associated with patterns
Categories: Filter by file categories associated with patterns
Subcategories: Filter by file subcategories associated with patterns
Enabled: Filter by patterns that have been enabled or disabled.
Published: Filter by patterns that have been published or unpublished
Add New Pattern: Create a custom pattern
10. Publish: Push changes to the pattern matching system for start using
11. Clear filters: Remove all previously selected filters
Pattern Table
Sort patterns by name
Sort patterns by Classification tag
Sort patterns by Compliance tag
Sort patterns by Distribution tag
Sort patterns by Category
Sort patterns by Subcategory
Sort patterns on whether they are enabled or not
Switch to enable or disable a pattern
Actions column
10. Select to view:
Select edit to edit pattern contents
Select delete to remove the pattern
Administration > User Management
This screen will bring the user the to Keycloak dashboard.
Here, login, credentials, users, and access details can be configured:
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Classified as Getvisibility - Partner/Customer Confidential