DDC v3.200.0 release 29th Feb
DDC v3.200.0 release 29th Feb
Summary for DDC v3.200.0
In this release, the team have made a number of usability improvements across multiple areas of the product. A number of column names have been updated or deprecated to make it easier for the end user to navigate and understand the user interface.
We’ve added a new customisable panel that the user can configure to get a better visual representation of their data distribution. For instance, using the new panel, a user can set up a scan status overview to see the distribution of their files across all their data sources at a glance.
We’ve moved the ML Tag Training page to the Explore page, we’ve also added a column configuration modal where the end user can lay out their Explore page however they wish, by adding or hiding columns on the Explore page that are most relevant to them.
In addition to these, the team have resolved a multitude of known bugs and issues on the platform, improving it’s overall stability.
Overview of new updates by feature:
Explore Files Page
Removed the WebURL column and changed it to Path.
Added a “Trustee Source” column to the Permissions and Access rights modal on individual file results.
Changed the date format of the Last Modified column to show a timestamp.
Updated the sorting logic of Compliance Tags on the Explore Files page by confidence score.
Updated to allow reclassification action for any file.
Updated and implemented new ML training logic.
Added more granular “30 minutes” suggestions under the CreatedAt GQL expression.
Updated to make the panel widget editable.
UX improvement to auto-scroll to newly created widget or panel.
Updated to allow content or path search when creating a new Detector.
Improved the UX by changing the column naming and logic on the Explore Trustees page.
Added a Data Owner to the Data Assets page. The Data Owner will be automatically picked up based on the department owner, but the user can also change it manually.
Added new icons to show the user when a connection scan is “Not started”, “In progress” or “Finished”.
Miscellaneous / Internal improvements
Added Agent Taxonomy feature flags.
Increased the limit for GQL suggestions to 100.
Removed obsolete fields and columns across the product.
Added clickable WebURL links to files on the Explore Files page and in exports.
Internal testing improvements, send name as well as content to test new detectors.
Multiple Bug fixes
See further details below.
Feature Update details:
Explore Files page: Removed the WebURL column and changed it to Path
We’ve merged the column name from “WebURL” to “Path” to make it more human-readable and user friendly.
Explore Files page: Added a “Trustee Source” column to the Permissions and Access rights modal on individual file results.
This allows the user to view the Trustee Source for SMB, Azure, Confluence Cloud, Google, OneDrive and Sharepoint, under Permissions & Access Rights.
Explore Files page: Changed the date format of Last Modified column to show a timestamp
We’ve changed the time format to HH:MM:SS for the Last Modified column on the Explore page, this will allow a user to see if a file was recently changed and when, much more accurately.
Explore Files page: Updated the sorting logic of Compliance Tags on the Explore Files page by confidence score.
Agent tags, Compliance tags and Data Attributes are now sorted by “Confidence”, in descending order from highest score to the lowest confidence score.
Explore Files page: Update to allow reclassification action for any file
Previously, only classified files were available for the “Reclassify'' bulk action. We’ve removed this condition and can now allow reclassification of any file. See video below
Explore Files page: Updated and implement new ML training logic
We’ve moved the ML Tag Training page to the Explore page, to allow for this we’ve also added a column configuration modal
Analytics: UX improvement to Auto-scroll to newly created widget or panel
When a user clicks on the “Add Panel” button, the window now scrolls to the location of the new panel. This is an upgrade in usability experience as it saves the user having to scroll down the page themselves. See video below.
Analytics: Update to make the panel widget editable
We’ve kicked off the creation of a new panel on our analytics dashboard, in this first of 3 phases we can create and edit a panel widget on our dashboard to edit and display our data sources along with icons. This is configurable to add nested widgets within the panel itself and the user can also export this as a pdf. In future iterations we will be adding drag and drop functionality so that the user can easily lay out a dashboard however they wish. See a use case below, using the new panel, a user has set up a scan status overview to see the distribution of their files across all their data sources at a glance.
DSPM: We’ve added a Data Owner column to the Data Assets page on DSPM. This data owner is automatically selected for the user based on the department owner. For example a document called Marketing Research will be automatically assigned to the Marketing department owner. The user can also change this manually.
Connections: In order to give better scan feedback to the end user, we’ve added new status icons to the Connections page. “Not started”, “In Progress”, “Finished”. We’ve also added a warning screen that will be shown to the user if they start a new scan while one is in progress.
Detectors: Update to allow content or path search when creating a new Detector
We’ve improved the functionality of Detectors by adding the path search, so that a user can build detection rules based on the file path. Let’s say a user wants to add a tag to all files that are in Archive folder, now they can do it by adding Archive word to a detector and search by a file path.
Explore Trustees page: Improved the UX by changing the column naming and logic.
On the Explore Trustees page, we’ve improved the UI by making it easier for the user to understand. Now, instead of showing isActive = true/false, we show a tick to the user under a newly named Active column.
Also, instead of showing Enabled = true/false, we now show a tick under the Enabled column.
Miscellaneous: Added Agent Taxonomy feature flags
Internal feature flag functionality improvement.
Miscellaneous: Increased the limit for GQL suggestions to 100
We’ve increased the GQL component suggestions limit to 100 from 10. This improves the Explore Page search bar’s overall functionality, as it allows the search bar to provide more GQL suggestions to the end user when they start typing.
Miscellaneous: Removed obsolete fields and columns across the product
We’ve removed the following obsolete fields “category, subcategory, compliance, is_pii, is_pi” from ui, analytics and export
Miscellaneous: Added clickable WebURL links to files on the Explore Files page and in exports
To help with the results validation process we provided a link to files allowing users to open the file - either SMB, OneDrive or Sharepoint online.
This new column is available in the Explore page as well as in exports.
Miscellaneous: Internal testing improvements, send name as well as content to test new detectors
Internal testing improvement to help our development testing process around new Detector creation.
Agent Overview: show username column in table by default under Agent > Overview > Management
We’ve added a username column to the default view of the agent management screen.
Bug Fixes
Analytics: Fixed icon mapping
Analytics: Fixed source icons
Analytics: Removed beta label
Detectors: Multiple minor bug fixes
Webhooks: Removed default GQL for new webhook
Webhooks: Removed pagination
Agent: Changed enablement validation for check rate
Agent: Fixed styles after bootstrap removal
Miscellaneous: Fixed issue with infinite redraw loop
Miscellaneous: Fixed icon color
Miscellaneous: Table cell should always have attributeName
Miscellaneous: Parse name from url to have extension bug fix
Pdf-generator: Added ModalService provider globally
Search: Fixed double delete icon glitch
Theme: Update main colours for reseller
Theme: remove legacy-theme and bootstrap
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