Synergy Agent - AutoUpdate Feature
This document gives a high-level understanding of how auto update feature will work in Synergy Agent. The end user will not have to do anything, and the latest updates related to Synergy will be updated automatically, the document just explains the technical side of how this feature functions.
Basic Information
Configuring Artifacts URI
The Artifacts URI is the location from which update artifacts (in form of .zip packages) will be fetched and applied.
Now, the default URI for the auto-update feature is the same as the agent edge.
Default URI in case of ForcePoint will be FPs GV server.
Default config that we will give to FP is that every FP customer will have their own auto-update deployment version.
GV will manage the artifacts for FP through normal deployment process.
The URI can be specified in the installerConfig.json file of the generic installer:
"AutoUpdateArtifactsUri": ""
The URI can be in one of the following formats:
Local filesystem path
Local Filesystem path -
The path has to point to an existing directory on the clients PC:
e.g. C:\Autoupdate\Artifacts.
AutoUpdate Process
During the installation of GVClient a new Windows Service is installed on the machine which will check for updates during:
Periodically, all agents in all the customers would be checking the updates every 5 to 15mins (can be changed in AutoUpdateService config - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\GVClient.Windows.AutoUpdateService\GVClient_Windows_AutoUpdateService_Properties.config.json )
During the check for updates routine, the service lists all packages from the provided URI and applies the Upgrade (or Downgrade) in the following scenarios:
Upgrade - when the latest available version is higher than the current version
Downgrade - when the latest available version is lower than the current version
By default the application is installed under C:\Program Files (x86)\GVClient\app-x.x.x
The 'x' stands for the current version.
Upgrade Process
When a newer version will be encountered, the AutoUpdateService will execute the following steps:
Download the latest package to a temp folder
Extract the package to the installation directory but under a new version folder. e.g. when the application was installed under C:\Program Files (x86)\GVClient\, the new package version is 2.9.1, then the package will be extracted to C:\Program Files (x86)\GVClient\app-2.9.1.
Start a new AutoUpdateService process (with the argument -execute_version_apply {version}).
The new process will execute the following steps:
Update plugin registry keys to point to the new version
Update AgentUI autorun registry to point to the new version
Kill PlatformHub service
Kill any running AutoUpdateService
Update PlatformHub service to point to the new version and start it
Update AutoUpdateService to point to the new version and start it
Update installed version registry keys
Downgrade Process
All the steps are similar to upgrade process, but all configs will be adjusted to point to the lower version.
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