Config Section | Sample Config | Property Name in Config | Description | Default Option | On Dashboard | Property Name on Dashboard | Required? |
TAGSET | "tagsets": [ { | ID | Tagset is a set of one or more tags. E.g. certain tags belong to certain types of compliance, so these tags will be grouped together. id - Universally Unique Identifier for the whole tagset. | N/A | No | N/A | Yes |
name | Name of the tagset, e.g. “Classification” or “Compliance” or Distribution | N/A | No | N/A | Yes | ||
displayname | The name of the tagset that users wants to be displayed on the UI. Eg the tagset is Classification but on Agent UI it will be displayed as Classification GV. | N/A | No | N/A | No | ||
required | This property meant for binary tags, if the type is binary and required: true, then the user will have to select at least 1 tag, otherwise a red text “is required” will appear below the column | true | No | N/A | Yes | ||
tagType | There are two tagtypes categorical which is single select option like radio button and binary are multiselect option like check boxes. | No | N/A | Yes | |||
tags | The list of tags for each type like for classification it can be Public, Confidential or custom tags. For Distribution it can be Internal, External and for Compliance it can be GDPR/PII etc. | N/A | No | N/A | Yes | ||
tagAliases | The name of the tagset that users wants to be displayed on the UI. Eg the tag Public but on Agent UI it will be displayed as Public for GV GV. | N/A | No | N/A | No | ||
visualMarkingOder | This property defines the order of the tags in tagset that will be shown to the user in the agent UI. This property is not applicable for Distribution and Compliance. | N/A | No | N/A | N/A | ||
AGENT | "agent": { | classificationDialogColumnTagsetIds | The tagsetId of the column should be displayed here. So if you want to show Classification and Distribution on UI then the tagsetid of these fileds should be added here. | N/A | No | N/A | Yes |
blockServerAddressEdit | Does Not allow the user to edit the Server Address displayed on the Configuration Dialog Box | false | Yes | Block Server Address edit | Yes | ||
disableConfigurationMenu | Allows the user to disable the configuration menu so the end user cannot change it. | false | Yes | Disable Configuration menu | Yes | ||
ribbonTitlePrefix | User can set the custom ribbon title using this property. If the field is left empty, will be displayed default title “Classification”. | Empty | Yes | Ribbon title | No | ||
orderTagsTopToBottom | It will show the order of classification tags on Agent UI. | leastToMostSevere | Yes | Order tag from top to bottom | Yes | ||
helpUrl | A | Empty | Yes | Help URL | No | ||
GLOBAL | "global": { "betaAgentsEnabled": false, | autoUpdateCheckRate | The duration after which the server will check for auto update in mins | 30 | Yes | Auto-update: check for updates frequency rate | Yes |
autoUpdateEnabled | When set to True the property will update to a new version when its available | true | Yes | Enable auto-update | Yes | ||
autoUpdateServerUrl | Server address to where auto update artifact is stored | N/A | Yes | Auto-update: server URL | No | ||
autoUpdatePackageNameRegex | Regex that the customer can add to to fetch the auto update artifact | Empty | Yes | Auto-update: regex for agent packages to include | No | ||
betaAgentsEnabled | Flag indicating if beta agents are enabled. | false | No | No | |||
betaAgentEndpoints | List of machines which should auto-update to latest beta agent. | Empty | No | No | |||
availableLanguages | It shows the language that is set on the language setting page of dashboard | en | Yes | Supported languages | Yes | ||
suggestionsDebounceRate | Delay before we fetch suggestions in secs | 15 | Yes | Agent suggestion frequency rate | Yes | ||
suggestionsMinConfidenceThreshold | This property decides after which % of suggestion confidence the suggestion will be shown in dailog box. Eg: If the threshold is set to 50% and the ML returns suggestion as 30% then this will not be displayed to user. | 60% | Yes | Minimum confidence threshold | Yes | ||
"suggestionsMapping": [ {"backendId": , "tagsetId": "", | suggestionsMapping: This is used to map the suggestion to the tags backendId: This is the id we get from the ML model. tagsetId: The tag id of the tags from agent tag: Name of the tag | Details about classification | No | Yes | |||
heartbeatRate | This determines how often the heartbeat of the should be sent to server, its defined in secs | 300 | Yes | Heartbeat frequency | Yes | ||
sentryUrl | URL to Sentry, this field is hardcoded for now. | Empty | No | No | |||
"aipConfiguration": "siteId": "“, | Azure Information Protection Metadata Configuration. siteId -Specifies the AIP Site ID. labels - Array of AIP Label. labelId - the ID of this AIP label. Name - the plaintext name of this AIP label. Method and contentBits - see | N/A | No | No | |||
"mappings": [ { | mappings - Array of AIP Mapping Entry (Specifies the mappings between classification tags and AIP labels). classificationTag - the ID of the tag which is used to decide when the mapping entry is hit. labelId - the id field of the AIP Label which is written when the mapping entry is hit. | N/A | No | No | |||
"externalLabelMappings": [ { | A simple mapping to map old meta data from different tool to our meta data. At present its used only by CLI. Regex defined will be used to identify tags for different tools. Tagsetid and tags will be used to replaces the tags identified using regex. | N/A | No | No | |||
featureToggles | This property if set to true will allow to test a new feature based on the config rather than a global release. if set to false it will navigate back to the old logic. | Empty | No | No | |||
metadataWriterConfiguration": [ { | Meta data for DLP software, this is configurable and has different placeholders like username, date etc. | N/A | No | No | |||
EXCEL | "excel": { "aiClassificationMismatchPolicy": { "policy": "warn", "threshold": "0.8" }, "aiDistributionMismatchPolicy": { "policy": "force", "threshold": "0.8" }, "aiComplianceMismatchPolicy": { "policy": "warn", "threshold": "0.8" }, | enabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin for classification | true | Yes | Excel toggle button | Yes |
suppressShareAndExport | Setting this property to true will not show the share and export option on excel plugin file menu.. | false | Yes | Suppress Share And Export | No | ||
suggestionsEnabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin to received suggestion as per the content. | true | Yes | Allow ML suggestions | Yes | ||
suppressSuggestionsDialog | Setting this property to true will not show the suggestion dialog box on plugin | false | Yes | Suppress suggestions dialog | Yes | ||
suppressRibbonButton | Setting this property to true will not show the ribbon button on plugin | false | Yes | Suppress ribbon button | Yes | ||
suggestionsMaxRowsAndCols | Number of rows and columns to analyze to generate suggestion. So if the value is set 100 then 100 rows and 100 columns will be analyzed. | 100 | Yes | Max numbers of rows & columns Excel files | Yes | ||
“tagsetWhitelists": [ { "members": [““], "tagName": "Public", | Users/domain in whitelist property will only see the tags that are defined in the property for that plugin. | N/A | Yes | Add New Whitelist | No | ||
aIClassificationDeescalationPolicy: Policy Threshold | Policy: This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. Threshold: This property allows the user to decide the confidence % after which if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. So eg: Block the user to lower the classification on when the confidence % is less 50. This property works for only for Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy classification threshold | Yes | ||
aiClassificationMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the classification suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
aiDistributionMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the distribution suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
aiComplianceMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the compliance suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
allowClassificationDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the classification value after saving and re-opening the document. | true | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Classification | Yes | ||
allowDistributionDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the distribution value after saving and re-opening the document. | true | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Distribution | Yes | ||
defaultClassification | User will be able to enable default classification using this value. The trigger for this is save and close. | false | Yes | Default Classification | Yes | ||
defaultClassificationValue | This property allows the user to select the default classification that can be applied to the document | empty | Yes | Select Classification | No | ||
defaultDistributionValue | This property allows the user to select the default distribution that can be applied to the document | empty | Yes | Select Distribution | No | ||
"autoClassificationConfiguration": [ | The document will be classified based on the context of the file when this property is enabled. Users can set this property for Distribution, Compliance and Classification. The Triger is Save and Send. | N/A | Yes | Auto Classification Configuration | No | ||
policyBeforePrint | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while printing an unclassified document | ignore | Yes | Manual Classification-user to classify before printing a document | Yes | ||
policyBeforeSave | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while saving an unclassified document | ignore | Yes | Manual Classification-user to classify before saving a document | Yes | ||
footer | User can add customized footer using this property | N/A | Yes | footer | Yes | ||
header | User can add customized header using this property | N/A | Yes | header | Yes | ||
showFooter | When set to true this property enables the user to show footer on the classified document | true | Yes | Show footer | Yes | ||
showHeader | When set to true this property enables the user to show header on the classified document | true | Yes | Show header | Yes | ||
alwaysShowPopup | Users will be able to see the option of choosing where to apply header/footer at run time when they are working on document if this property is set to true | true | Yes | Always show visual tags configuration popup | Yes | ||
enforceSheetLayoutOption | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the dropdown | false | Yes | Enforce sheet layout option | Yes | ||
sheetLayoutOptions | By default, where visual tags should be applied. This dropdown has 2 values All sheets and Sheet Range | All Sheets | Yes | NA | Yes | ||
fromSheet | Enables the user to select from which sheet number to apply visual marking. | 0 | Yes | From | Yes | ||
toSheet | Enables the user to select to which sheet number the visual markings should be applied | 0 | Yes | To | Yes | ||
enforceOverwriteOption | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the dropdown below | false | Yes | Enforce overwrite option | Yes | ||
overwriteOption | This drop down allows the user to select if they want to overwrite or append the existing H/F | Append | Yes | NA | Yes | ||
EXPLORER | "explorer": { | enabled | Setting this property to true will enable the files for right click classification | Yes | Yes | Explorer toggle button | Yes |
allowClassificationDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the classfication value after saving and re-opening the document. | Yes | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Classification | Yes | ||
allowDistributionDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the distribution value after saving and re-opening the document. | Yes | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Distribution | Yes | ||
OUTLOOK | "outlook": { | enabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin for classification | true | Yes | Outlook toggle button | Yes |
suggestionsEnabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin to received suggestion as per the content. | true | Yes | Allow ML suggestions | Yes | ||
suppressSuggestionsDialog | Setting this property to true will not show the suggestion dialog box on plugin | false | Yes | Suppress suggestions dialog | No | ||
suppressRibbonButton | Setting this property to true will not show the ribbon button on plugin | false | Yes | Suppress ribbon button | No | ||
maxNoOfRecipients | Number of recipients allowed to send email at any particular time | 10 | yes | Specify maximum number of recipients | yes | ||
allowedEmailsOrDomains | If some emails/domains are set here, then only those accounts will be allowed to receive an email. | empty | yes | Allow | no | ||
blockEmailsOrDomains | If some emails/domains are set here, then those accounts will be completely blocked to receive any email. | empty | yes | Block | no | ||
warnEmailsOrDomains | If some emails/domains are set here, then before sending email to these account the sender will be warned about it. | empty | yes | Warn | no | ||
permissionToSendEmailsOrDomains | If some emails are set here, and the sender is not within this list, then he won't be able to send the email. The list is about the sender and not recipient. | empty | yes | Permission to send | no | ||
"customAlertMessages": { | User can set additional warning message for classification types | N/A | Yes | Show custom alert message Select Classification Add new custom alert | No | ||
"excludeFileExtensions": [ | It is used to exclude any particular attachment extension from validation, like if pdf is selected in the list then pdf can be sent in email without classification. Note: The file type should be added with a Dot. Eg: [.pdf,.jpeg] | empty | Yes | Images Audio & Video Other | No | ||
"tagsetWhitelist": [ | Users/domain in whitelist property will only see the tags that are defined in the property for that plugin. | N/A | Yes | Add New Whitelist | No | ||
aIClassificationDeescalationPolicy: Policy Threshold | Policy: This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. Threshold: This property allows the user to decide the confidence % after which if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. So eg: Block the user to lower the classfiication on when the confidence % is less 50. This property works for only for Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy classification threshold (%) | Yes | ||
aiClassificationMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the classification suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
aiDistributionMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the distribution suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
aiComplianceMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the compliance suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
allowClassificationDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the classfication value when Replying or Forwarding already classified email. | true | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Classification | Yes | ||
allowDistributionDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the distribution value when Replying or Forwarding already classified email. | true | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Distrubution | Yes | ||
unclassifiedAttachmentsPolicy | Based on the value set unclassified attachments will be allowed, blocked, or ignored. | ignore | Yes | Yes | |||
attachmentsSetMinimalClassification | Based on the value set attachments having higher classification value than the email will be allowed, blocked or ignored | ignore | Yes | Attachments set minimal classification | Yes | ||
autoClassifyOnReplyForward | The property if set to true will auto classify the email when replying or forwarding as per the original email | true | Yes | Auto classify on reply/forward | yes | ||
classifyAttachmentsSameAsEmails | When set to true the attachment will be classified same as email if on sending the attachment is not classified | true | Yes | Classify attachments same as emails | Yes | ||
classifyEmailsSameAsAttachments | When set to true the email will be classified same as attachment if on sending the email is not classified | true | Yes | Classify emails same as attachments | Yes | ||
defaultClassification | User will be able to enable defaults classification using this value. The trigger for this is send | false | Yes | Default Classification | Yes | ||
defaultClassificationValue | This property allows the user to select the default classification that can be applied to the document | empty | Yes | Select Classification | Yes | ||
defaultDistributionValue | This property allows the user to select the default distribution that can be applied to the document | empty | Yes | Select Distribution | Yes | ||
"autoClassificationConfiguration": [ | The document will be classified based on the content of the file when this property is enabled. User can set this property for Distribution, Compliance and Classification. The trigger is Save and Send. | N/A | Yes | Auto Classification Configuration Add new auto-classification configuration | No | ||
policyBeforePrint | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while printing an unclassified document | ignore | Yes | Manual Classification - user to classify before printing an email | Yes | ||
policyBeforeSend | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while saving an unclassified document | ignore | Yes | Manual Classification - user to classify before sending an email | Yes | ||
showPrefixClassificationSubject | On email subject a prefix will be added based on the classification | true | Yes | Show prefix classification on email subject | Yes | ||
showSuffixClassificationSubject | On email subject a suffix will be added based on the classification | true | Yes | Show suffix classification on email subject | Yes | ||
defaultEmailPolicy | By default should the email be allowed, blocked or warned before sending the emails to recipients | ignore | Yes | Default Email Policy | yes | ||
footer | User can add customized footer using this property | N/A | Yes | footer | Yes | ||
header | User can add customized header using this property | N/A | Yes | header | Yes | ||
showFooter | When set to true this property enables the user to show footer on the classified document | true | Yes | Show footer | Yes | ||
showHeader | When set to true this property enables the user to show header on the classified document | true | Yes | Show header | Yes | ||
POWER POINT | “powerpoint":{ enabled": true, “suppressShareAndExport”: true, | enabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin for classification | true | Yes | PowerPoint toggle button | Yes |
suppressShareAndExport | Setting this property to true will not show the share and export option on powerpoint plugin file menu.. | false | Yes | Suppress Share and Export | No | ||
suggestionsEnabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin to received suggestion as per the content. | true | Yes | Allow ML suggestions | Yes | ||
suppressSuggestionsDialog | Setting this property to true will not show the suggestion dialog box on plugin | false | Yes | Suppress suggestions dialog | No | ||
suppressRibbonButton | Setting this property to true will not show the ribbon button on plugin | false | Yes | Suppress ribbon button | No | ||
"tagsetWhitelists": [ | Users/domain in whitelist property will only see the tags that are defined in the property for that plugin. | N/A | Yes | Add New Whitelist | No | ||
aIClassificationDeescalationPolicy: Policy Threshold | Policy: This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. Threshold: This property allows the user to decide the confidence % after which if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. So eg: Block the user to lower the classfiication on when the confidence % is less 50. This property works for only for Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy classification threshold (%) | Yes | ||
aiClassificationMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the classification suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
aiDistributionMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the distribution suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
aiComplianceMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the compliance suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
allowClassificationDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the classfication value after saving and re-opening the document. | true | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Classification | Yes | ||
allowDistributionDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the distribution value after saving and re-opening the document. | true | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Distribution | Yes | ||
defaultClassification | User will be able to enable defalut calssification using this value. The trigger for this is save and close. | false | Yes | Default Classification | Yes | ||
defaultClassificationValue | This property allows the user to select the default classfiation that can be applied to the document | empty | Yes | Select Classification | No | ||
defaultDistributionValue | This property allows the user to select the default distribution that can be applied to the document | empty | Yes | Select Distribution | No | ||
"autoClassificationConfiguration": [ | The docuement will be classified based on the content of the file when this property is enabled. User can set this property for Distribution, Compliance and Classification. The trigger is Save and Send. | N/A | Yes | Auto Classification Configuration | No | ||
policyBeforePrint | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while printing an unclassified document | ignore | Yes | Manual Classification - user to classify before printing an email | Yes | ||
policyBeforeSave | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while saving an unclassified document | ignore | Yes | Manual Classification - user to classify before sending an email | Yes | ||
footer | User can add customized footer using this property | N/A | Yes | footer | Yes | ||
header | User can add customized header using this property | N/A | Yes | header | Yes | ||
showFooter | When set to true this property enables the user to show footer on the classified document | true | Yes | Show footer | Yes | ||
showHeader | When set to true this property enables the user to show header on the classified document | true | Yes | Show header | Yes | ||
titlePageShowTitle | Enables the user to add an additional slide and add title to it as per the classification value | true | Yes | Show title | Yes | ||
titlePageTitle | User can add customized title using this property | N/A | Yes | Title | Yes | ||
titlePageShowSubtitle | Enables the user to add an additional slide and add subtitle to it as per the classification value | true | Yes | Show subtitle | Yes | ||
titlePageSubtitle | User can add customized subtitle using this property | N/A | Yes | Subtitle | Yes | ||
alwaysShowPopup | Users will be able to see the option of choosing where to apply header/footer at run time when they are working on document if this property is set to true | true | Yes | Always show visual tags configuration popup | Yes | ||
enforceSlideLayoutOption | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the dropdown below | false | Yes | Enforce slide layout option | Yes | ||
slideLayoutOptions | By default, where visual tags should be applied. This dropdown has 3 values All slides, Title Slide Only and Slide Range | All Slide | Yes | NA | Yes | ||
triggerSlidesNumber | Only applies visual labels when the number of slides is greater than or equal to the specified threshold | 0 | Yes | Trigger slide number | |||
fromSlide | Enables the user to select from which slide number to apply visual marking. | 0 | Yes | Slide range: from | Yes | ||
toSlide | Enables the user to select to which slide number the visual markings should be applied | 0 | Yes | To | Yes | ||
enforceOverwriteOption | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the dropdown below | false | Yes | Enforce overwrite option | Yes | ||
overwriteOption | This drop down allows the user to select if they want to overwrite or append the existing H/F | Append | Yes | NA | Yes | ||
"pdf": { | enabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin for classification | true | Yes | PDF toggle button | Yes | |
labelWidth | This property defines the width of the PDF header text box | 400 | Yes | Document visual label width | Yes | ||
labelHeight | This property defines the height of the PDF header text box | 25 | Yes | Document visual label height | Yes | ||
showHeader | When set to true this property enables the user to show header on the classffied document | true | Yes | Show header | Yes | ||
header | User can add customised header using this property | N/A | Yes | header | Yes | ||
WORD | "word": { "visualTagging": { | enabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin for classification | true | Yes | Word toggle button | Yes |
suppressShareAndExport | Setting this property to true will not show the share and export option on word plugin file menu. | false | Yes | Suppress Share And Export | No | ||
suggestionsEnabled | Setting this property to true will enable the plugin to received suggestion as per the content. | true | Yes | Allow ML suggestions | Yes | ||
suppressSuggestionsDialog | Setting this property to true will not show the suggestion dialog box on plugin | false | Yes | Suppress suggestions dialog | No | ||
suppressRibbonButton | Setting this property to true will not show the ribbon button on plugin | false | Yes | Suppress ribbon button | No | ||
"tagsetWhitelists": [ | Users/domain in whitelist property will only see the tags that are defined in the property for that plugin. | N/A | Yes | Add New Whitelist | No | ||
headerFooterHeight | Default size for floating header and footer | 25 | Yes | Office documents header & footer height | Yes | ||
aIClassificationDeescalationPolicy: Policy Threshold | Policy: This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. Threshold: This property allows the user to decide the confidence % after which if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. So eg: Block the user to lower the classfiication on when the confidence % is less 50. This property works for only for Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy classification threshold (%) | Yes | ||
aiClassificationMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the classification suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
aiDistributionMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the distribution suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
aiComplianceMismatchPolicy | This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user selects a different value from the the compliance suggested by AI based on the % set by admin. This property works for Both Binary and Categorical tag types. | ignore 80% | Yes | Machine learning accuracy threshold | |||
allowClassificationDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the classfication value after saving and re-opening the document. | true | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Classification | Yes | ||
allowDistributionDeescalation | The property if true allows the user to lower the distribution value after saving and re-opening the document. | true | Yes | Allow lowering the level of Distribution | Yes | ||
defaultClassification | User will be able to enable defalut calssification using this value. The trigger for this is save and close. | false | Yes | Default Classification | Yes | ||
defaultClassificationValue | This property allows the user to select the default classfiation that can be applied to the document | empty | Yes | Select Classification | No | ||
defaultDistributionValue | This property allows the user to select the default distribution that can be applied to the document | empty | Yes | Select Distribution | No | ||
"autoClassificationConfiguration": [ | The document will be classified based on the content of the file when this property is enabled. User can set this property for Distribution, Compliance and Classification. The trigger is Save and Send. | N/A | Yes | Auto Classification Configuration | No | ||
policyBeforePrint | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while printing an unclassified document | ignore | Yes | Manual Classification - user to classify before printing an email | Yes | ||
policyBeforeSave | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while saving an unclassified document | ignore | Yes | Manual Classification - user to classify before sending an email | Yes | ||
footer | User can add customised footer using this property | N/A | Yes | footer | Yes | ||
header | User can add customised header using this property | N/A | Yes | header | Yes | ||
showFooter | When set to true this property enables the user to show footer on the classffied document | true | Yes | Show footer | Yes | ||
showHeader | When set to true this property enables the user to show header on the classffied document | true | Yes | Show header | Yes | ||
showWatermark | When set to true this property enables the user to show watermark on the classffied document | true | Yes | Show watermark | Yes | ||
watermark | User can add customised header using this property | N/A | Yes | watermark | Yes | ||
alwaysShowPopup | Users will be able to see the option of choosing where to apply header/footer at run time when they are working on document if this property is set to true | true | Yes | Always show visual tags configuration popup | Yes | ||
enforceHeaderFooterType | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the dropdown below | false | Yes | Enforce Header Footer Type | Yes | ||
headerType | By default, how the visual tags should be applied for header. This dropdown has 2 values Fixed and Floating | Fixed | Yes | Header Type | Yes | ||
footerType | By default, how the visual tags should be applied for footer. This dropdown has 2 values Fixed and Floating | Fixed | Yes | Footer Type | Yes | ||
enforcePageLayoutOption | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the dropdown below | false | Yes | Enforce page layout option | Yes | ||
pageLayoutOptions | By default, where visual tags should be applied. This dropdown has 3 values All pages , Title Page Only and All pages except title | All pages | Yes | NA | Yes | ||
triggerPagesNumber | Only applies visual labels when the number of pages is greater than or equal to the specified threshold | 0 | Yes | Trigger page number | |||
enforceOverwriteOption | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the dropdown below | false | Yes | Enforce overwrite option | Yes | ||
overwriteOption | This drop down allows the user to select if they want to overwrite or append the existing H/F | Append | Yes | NA | Yes | ||
MACROS | "macros": [ | "enabled" : true, "powerpoint" : null, footerOverwriteOption: headerOverwriteOption: watermarkOverwriteOption: } "trigger" : { | Enabled: Setting this property to true will enable the Macro for use id: Unique ID associated with each Macro Name: Marco Name given by the user or if migrated from old config it will be numbered as shown in example. Note: If the user wants to add any description for the Macros it should be added here. Target: This property will mention the plugin that will be affected by this Macro, other than the target plugin all other plugins will be Null. For Eg: In this scenario the target is Outlook so other Plugins like Word, Excel and PowerPoint are Null. Trigger: Using this property user can select what should be the combination of compliance, classification and/or distribution should call this macro. footerOverwriteOption: This property allows to choose if the macro should overwrite or append to the default footer with the text. headerOverwriteOption: This property allows to choose if the macro should overwrite or append to the default header with the text. watermarkOverwriteOption: This property allows to choose if the macro should overwrite or append to the default watermark with the text. | N/A | Yes | Macro Name toggle button Trigger - Classification Trigger - Compliance Trigger - Distribution Target - Word Target - Excel Target - PowerPoint Target - Outlook | N/A |