1. Mare sure there are at least two users added to Keycloak
Username: finance
Email: finance@example.com
Username: hr
Email: hr@example.com
2. Prepare the environment
Run the below commands one after another:
sudo apt install jq mkdir /tmp/scripts cd /tmp/scripts wget https://assets.master.k3s.getvisibility.com/dra-dashboards.tar.gz tar -xzf dra-dashboards.tar.gz cd data/scripts/ GV_HOST=""
Replace content of GV_HOST above with the IP of the Dashboard.
3. Retrieve authentication token
Log into the Dashboard and open Developer Tools (SHIFT+CTRL+I) and click on the Network tab as per screenshot below. Copy the value of access_token to clipboard:
You will have roughly 5 minutes to complete below steps. After that the token expires.
Update jwt_token.txt file using below command, pasting the token from clipboard:
echo "paste_your_token_here" > jwt_token.txt
4. Run the scripts
bash getUsers.sh bash setDepartments.sh bash setDataControls.sh
5. Final step
After completing the above steps, navigate to:
Policy Center
→Compliance Hub
:It should have HR, Finance, Marketing, Sales, InfoSec, and Engineering departments set up.
Policy Center
→Controls Orchestration
:It should have controls for:
New Risky Sensitive Data
PII Data at Risk
Critical Data At High Risk
Publicly exposed critical data to the world
Overshared internally critical information
Critical information shared with 3rd parties
PII Files Older than 3 years
Externally Shared Data not updated in 1 year
Valuable IP Exposure
Trade Secret Exposure
6. Troubleshooting
6.1 Departments are not populated
You will need to execute the runbook again. Most likely there is an issue with the auth token.
6.2 No controls in Controls Orchestration
You will need to update the jwt_token.txt as per Step 3 and then run
bash setDataControls.sh