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Table of Contents



Table of Contents


This document has two major sections

  • Agent

    • Agent Configuration

      • Seclore Protection

    • Agent Management

    • Reports

  • Administration

    • Pattern Matching

    • User Management



Please refer the below link for Agent Installation steps.

Synergy Agent Installationfor Windows: Deployment Guide

Configuration best practices

Please refer the below link for Configuration Best Practices

Best Practices Document

Agent Configuration

Login into system and navigate to the agent configuration

Login into the Getvisibilityapplication using the credentials given to you


In the below section we will go through the various configurable options that can be applied to the agent using both Expert mode and Wizard mode:


Compliance is the act of conforming to a company directive, rule, policy, or standard or law. Some common compliance regulations and labels are: GDPR, PII, HIPAA, PHI, PCI. Getvisbility agent gives the user two options to customise and configure compliance as per their requirements.


To verify the Configuration, open a Word document, Select the Getvisibility icon on the top-right of the ribbon. The user will be able to see the selected tags.



Data classification is broadly defined as the process of organising data by relevant categories so that it may be used and protected more efficiently. On a basic level, the classification process makes data easier to locate and retrieve. By default, the Getvisibility classification is Public, Internal and Confidential.


To verify the Configuration, open a Word document, Select the Getvisibility icon on the top-right of the ribbon. The user will be able to see the selected tags.


MS Office Plugins

This functionality will allow the user to select which MS Office application the configuration will be applicable to.

Expert Mode

Using Expert mode, the user can enable/disable the Office Plugins by making changes the agent configuration JSON file.


To verify the Configuration, open a Word document, the user will see that the Getvisibility icon on the top-right is disabled. The user will not be able to Select it.


Wizard Mode

Using Wizard Mode, the user can select the which application the configuration will be applicable to by selecting the check-box on screen.


To verify the Configuration, open a Excel document, user will see that the Getvisibility icon on the top-right is disabled, and user will not be able to Select it


MS Office Policies & Visual Tagging

This functionality allows the user to set various policies to enforce on documents in MS Office applications.

Expert Mode

Using Expert mode, the user can enable/disable the policies related to MS Office by making changes agent configuration JSON file.


  • As excelTextForwardingActive = Falseis configured, text from the MS Office app will not be sent to classifier for suggestions.

Wizard Mode

Using Wizard Mode, the user can easily enable/disable the policies related to MS office.


The lower classification option has not been selected. So user is not allowed to lower the level of classification on the document and all the lower classification options are disabled:


user is not allowed to lower the level of classification on the document and all the lower classification options are disabled:


Seclore Protection

Documents will be protected if the user is using seclore flavour agent. All the steps to classify a document is exactly same as seen above only with seclore agent along with classification user can protect the document as well. Mapped classifications values between GV and Seclore are : Public, Internal, Confidential.

Open or create new file:


Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Protecting the while when using right click classification:


User will see these red locks as icon in the files where seclore protection is applied.


Outlook Plugins

This functionality will allow users to configure Outlook classification plugin.

Expert Mode

Using Expert mode, users can enable/disable Outlook Plugins by editing the agent configuration JSON.


  • 'Configuration saved successfully’ message will be displayed on screen along with the OK button.

  • To verify the Configuration, open Outlook, the user will see the Getvisibility icon on the top-right is enabled. The user will be able to Select it and classify the email, ifOutlookPluginActive = false is configured the icon will be disabled.


Wizard Mode

Using Wizard Mode, the user can enable/disable Outlook Plugins by making changes in the Focus UI


  • Select Finish to apply configuration

  • To verify the Configuration, open a Word document

  • The Getvisibility icon will be enabled

  • Selecting the icon will show the compliance and classifications box where the user to classify document


Outlook Policies & Visual Tagging

This functionality will allow the user to set various policies that they can enforce on emails when using Outlook.

Expert Mode

Using Expert mode, the user can enable/disable the policies related to Outlook by editing the agent configuration JSON.


autoClassifyReplyForwardEmails = True: As seen below while forwarding the email, it has inherited the classification from the original email.


Wizard Mode

Using Wizard mode, user can enable/disable policies related to Outlook.


The checkbox Inherit classification when Reply and Forward emails is checked. As seen below while forwarding the email, it has inherited the classification from the original email.


Configure Emails

Expert Mode

Using Expert Mode, the user can enable/disable default policies related to email by editing the agent configuration JSON.


  • The above configuration says that Public type emails are blocked for sending, except for the recipient, whom the email can be sent to but with a warning message.

  • Validating the configuration as below. Since all the Public emails are blocked from sending and the recipient lab user is not on the Allow or Warn list the email cannot be sent.


If we change the recipient to, the agent will give only a warning as the recipient was in the warn list, but the email can still be sent.


Wizard Mode

Using the Wizard Mode, the user can enable/disable the policies related to Outlook.


If the recipient is changed to:, the agent will only give a warning as the recipient was in the Warn list, but the email can still be sent.


The same settings can be done for Internal/Confidential/Highly Confidential emails as well with one additional option to copy the configuration from the previous classification.


Generic Settings

WriteMetadataTags :-

This property will capture the details about the agent in office applications. The below screenshot is from the config file.


Based on the distribution list, the email addresses in this list will be the ones Outlook plugin will allow sending emails to.


Based on the distribution list, this This property allows to share a file in Outlook irrespective of the distribution value.the user to change the distribution list from internal to external


This property allows setting the maximum number of people the user wants to send the email to.


Additional feature to classify the documents/emails. Few examples are: Internal/Restricted/ External/Limited


This optional feature allows users to automatically classify with a default label all newly created documents and emails in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook. It is possible to individually set the default label for each plugin. Users will be able to select the classification label that they wants to apply to documents and email and when there is edit or change in the file and the file is saved the selected classification will be applied. Setting Autolabelling will allow the user to not to classify the documents every time the file is printed or saved, the classification will happen automatically.


While using Expert Mode the user has to be extra careful about small details like punctuation and formatting of the file. Error will be presented to the user as needed:



There are two reports related to Synergy as shown below:


For users of Getvisibility Synergy, this report gives an overview of the security related activity undertaken by users of GVClient agents. It visualises data such as: de-escalations, mis-classifications, and confidential data in infographic form to give organisation’s a quick understanding of the data their users are passing through their network.


Agent Management

Agent Management gives the user a high-level status of all the agents installed. Details like Name of agent, the IP address and When was the agent last seen is shown on this dashboard. User can also see if the agent is Online or not. The facility to filter the agent based on Name, Health, and State also is provided.



Pattern Matching

Using Pattern Matching UI you can view, save, create and edit RegEx patterns. These the associated rules for each pattern will be suggested to users of the agents if the RegExs are found.


Users also have the option to ignore the suggestion and use any other values to classify.

User Management

In the User Management screen, new users can be created to access the User Interface. There are two ways to create new users:

Using the portal

Select the User Management option


Select Credentials. The user will be able to set the password for the new login, using this method they can create a new user or view the existing users.


Using LDAP method

Please refer the below link for Creating a user using LDAP.

Getvisibility Reseller Keycloak Quick Installation Guide