Importing permissions setup to Keycloak (which is the Identity and Access Management Engine used by our apps)
Select the realm
→Realm Setting
→Partial Import
in the tool:In the popup Partial Import pop-up window click browse and provide these filesthis file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jkPOb6hSK50WeGONotP9cfAG-xtkM6je/view?usp=sharing. Make sure all the options are selected as in the screenshot below and set to SKIP for existing items and click Import button.
Next, select Partial Import again and add this file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hN2BL4qJX-8YmzU2gZqPWrpxl3Zy37uK/view?usp=sharing, then make . Make sure all the options in the popup are selected as in the picture screenshot below and set to SKIP for existing items and click Import button.
You should then see a positive confirmation window!:
Create a new user and assign roles
Now, go to the Step 4, which is available via this link – Enabling DSPM DRA in Rancher-based deployment- Enabling Data Risk & Control Features |