Install Getvisibility Essentials and set the daily UTC backup hour (0-23) for performing backups.If you are installing Focus or Enterprise append
--set eck-operator.enabled=true
to the command in order to enable ElasticSearch.Code Block $ helm upgrade --install gv-essentials charts/gv-essentials-$VERSION.tgz --wait \ --timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \ --set backup.hour=1 \ --set eck-operator.enabled=true
Install Monitoring CRD:
Code Block $ helm upgrade --install rancher-monitoring-crd charts/rancher-monitoring-crd-$VERSION.tgz --wait \ --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \ --namespace=cattle-monitoring-system \ --create-namespace
Install Monitoring:
Code Block $ helm upgrade --install rancher-monitoring charts/rancher-monitoring-$VERSION.tgz --wait \ --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \ --namespace=cattle-monitoring-system \ --set k3sServer.enabled=true \ --set k3sControllerManager.enabled=true \ --set k3sScheduler.enabled=true \ --set k3sProxy.enabled=true
Check all pods are
with the command:kubectl get pods -A
K3s needs the following ports to be accessible (Inbound and Outbound) by all other nodes running in the same cluster:
Protocol | Port | Description |
TCP | 6443 | Kubernetes API Server |
⚠️ UDP | 8472 | Required for Flannel VXLAN |
TCP | 2379-2380 | embedded etcd |
TCP | 10250 | metrics-server for HPA |
TCP | 9796 | Prometheus node exporter |
TCP | 80 | Private Docker Registry |
Note |
The ports above should not be publicly exposed as they will open up your cluster to be accessed by anyone. Make sure to always run your nodes behind a firewall/security group/private network that disables external access to the ports mentioned above. |
The following port must be publicly exposed in order to allow users to access Synergy or Focus product:
Protocol | Port | Description |
TCP | 443 | Focus/Synergy backend |
The user must not access the K3s nodes directly, instead, there should be a load balancer sitting between the end user and all the K3s nodes (master and worker nodes):