Info |
This document is not to be used for all production or POC deployment. |
Table of Contents | ||||
Please check here for installation requirements
All the commands in this runbook were tested against a VM with Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS, amd64 as root
Install K3s and wait for the pods to become ready:
Code Block
$ curl -sfL https://
sh | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION="v1.23.9+k3s1" K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE="644" sh -s - server --node-name=local-01 $ kubectl get deploy -n kube-system --output name | xargs -n1 -t kubectl rollout status -n kube-system
Install Helm 3:
Code Block
$ wget --quiet -O /tmp/ \ && chmod 0755 /tmp/ \ && /tmp/ -v v3.8.2
Configure GetVisibility private Docker image registry (replace
with the Docker credentials provided):Code Block
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry gv-docker-registry \ --docker-server= \ --docker-username=$USERNAME \ --docker-password=$PASSWORD \
Configure GetVisibility private Helm repository (replace
with the Helm credentials provided):Code Block
language | bash |
$ helm repo add gv_stable --username $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD $ helm repo update
Install Getvisibility Gatekeeper:
Code Block $ helm upgrade --install gv-gatekeeper gv_stable/gv-gatekeeper --wait \ --namespace=gatekeeper-system --create-namespace \ --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
Install chart GetVisibility Essentials and wait for the pods to become ready
If you are installing Focus or Enterprise append--set eck-operator.enabled=true
to the upgrade command in order to enable ElasticSearch.Code Block $ helm upgrade --install gv-essentials gv_stable/gv-essentials --wait \ --timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml $ kubectl get deploy --output name | xargs -n1 -t kubectl rollout status
Depending on the theme you want to use, run one of the commands below to install the chart GV Platform (don’t forget to replace
with either synergy or focus or enterprise):GetVisibility theme:
Code Block
$ helm upgrade --install gv-platform gv_stable/gv-platform --wait \ --timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \ --set-string clusterLabels.environment=prod \ --set-string clusterLabels.cluster_reseller=getvisibility \ --set-string clusterLabels.cluster_name=mycluster \ --set-string clusterLabels.product=
Forcepoint theme:
Code Block
language | bash |
$ helm upgrade --install gv-platform gv_stable/gv-platform --wait \ --timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \ --set-string clusterLabels.environment=prod \ --set-string clusterLabels.cluster_reseller=forcepoint \ --set-string clusterLabels.cluster_name=mycluster \ --set-string clusterLabels.product=
GV Essentials
In order to upgrade the essential services (e.g. Postgres, Kafka, MongoDB, Consul) run helm repo update
and then the same command you used in step 56.
In order to upgrade Synergy/Focus/Enterprise run helm repo update
and then the same command you used in step 67.
You can optionally also install monitoring tools to collect metrics and logs of all services that are running inside the cluster:
Install the CRDs:
Code Block
$ helm upgrade --install rancher-monitoring-crd gv_stable/rancher-monitoring-crd --wait \ --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \ --namespace=cattle-monitoring-system \ --version=100.1.2+up19.0.5 \ --create-namespace
Install the monitoring tools:
Code Block
$ helm upgrade --install rancher-monitoring gv_stable/rancher-monitoring --wait \ --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \ --namespace=cattle-monitoring-system \ --version=100.1.2+up19.0.5 \ --set k3sServer.enabled=true \ --set k3sControllerManager.enabled=true \ --set k3sScheduler.enabled=true \ --set k3sProxy.enabled=true
To access the Grafana dashboard run the command kubectl port-forward svc/rancher-monitoring-grafana -n cattle-monitoring-system 3001:80 --address=''
and in your browser type the address http://$SERVER_IP:3001