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Document Details


  1. Click on the left-side menu item Realm Settings.

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  2. This will load the Gv Realm SettingsGeneral tab, enter your desired user-friendly reseller name into both the Display name and HTML Display name fields

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  3. Click the Save button to commit these changes to the Realm Settings.


  1. Click on the Clients menu item on the left-side menu, this should load a list of authentication clients

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  2. Click on Edit (or click on the name link) on the item labelled dashboard in order to load the client

  3. Open the dropdown for Login Theme and select the theme created for your reseller (E.g. my-reseller-theme)

  4. Update the Valid Redirect URIs to include the URL you have configured for the Dashboard UI (remember to click the + plus icon after entering the value).
    This will allow Keycloak to redirect back to your Dashboard UI after authenticating

  5. Update the Web Origins to include the URL you have configured for the Dashboard UI (remember to click the + plus icon after entering the value).
    This will allow CORS endpoint calls to Keycloak from the Dashboard UI.

  6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen


  1. Click on the Users menu item on the left-side menu, this should load the Users list

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  2. Click the Add user button in the top right to open the Add user screen

  3. It’s only necessary to complete two fields on this form; The Username field should contain agent, and the Email field should contain

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  4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen


  1. Click on the Clients menu item on the left-side menu, this should load a list of authentication clients

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  2. Click on Edit (or click on the name link) on the item labelled agent in order to load the client

  3. Update the Valid Redirect URIs value (default is https://localhost:80) to a secure address that you know is not vulnerable or exposed.
    This is a required field and requires at least one value, so while we have set it to a temporary value, it’s encouraged to change this to something internal.

  4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen


  1. Click on the User Federation menu item on the left-side menu, this should load a list of configured user federations

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  2. Click on Edit (or click on the name link) on the item labelled ldap in order to load the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) configuration

  3. Update the Connection URL field to reflect the LDAP server address where the Active Directory is hosted.

  4. Update the Users DN field (see the above image) to contain the Full DN of the LDAP tree where your users are

  5. Click on the button Test connection to test the connection from the Keycloak instance to the LDAP server address.
    This should succeed quickly, and if it hangs, there is a possibility that the LDAP server is not allowing access from the Keycloak instance server address, or you may need to use the Public IP address of the LDAP server.

  6. Update the Bind DN field to reflect the relevant username used to access the LDAP server

  7. Update the Bind Credential field (see the above image) to contain the relevant password used to access the LDAP server

  8. (Optional) Click on the Accordion option Sync Settings in order to set up automatic synchronization of users from the LDAP Active Directory to Keycloak.
    You are able to configure the auto-synchronization settings here, if you like.

  9. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen


However, if you require any additional support or your problem is not easily resolved by troubleshooting Network communications and authentication details, please reach out to our support at

End Of Document