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Note for Included/Excluded file attributes: Endpoint Discovery has been designed to only include relevant files and folders in the scan results and to exclude files and folders such as system files. It does this by filtering based on Windows file/folder attributes. These attributes have been chosen carefully to get the best scan results and should be left blank unless the user knows what they are doing. But if desired it is possible to alter these attributes to include system files/folders, exclude hidden files, etc. If the user wants to make modifications to the attributes, they can do so. More information on Windows file attributes can be found here.
Note for installing the agent with Endpoint Discovery: Please see the Endpoint Discovery section of the troubleshooting guide for more information agent installation and troubleshooting details.
Endpoint Details
Under the Details tab you can view the list of all endpoints along with some basic info such as current scan status (not started, in progress, etc), if the endpoints are online or offline, and the number of files scanned. This is useful as an overview of the progress of scans.
Initial scans for endpoints can be slow as the scanner will need to perform a hash of all file contents as well as to perform a classification check. This can take a long time for every file on an endpoint. Results are sent in batches however, so results will start to be seen shortly after starting the initial scan. Subsequent scans will be significantly faster as the scanner only processes new and modified files. Typically this should be a relatively small number of files, particularly if the scan is configured to run every day.
Demo Video: